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Part 5: Defining translation keys


This tutorial is intended for those who started their FastStore project with the Store Components starter. If you started your project with the Base Store starter, please refer to this tutorial.


Now that we have created our Section schemas and Content Types, we will declare the messages that will serve as translation keys for our components.

Defining and exporting translation keys

Declare the translation keys directly inside messages in the builderConfig object as in the following example.

import type { Schema, ContentTypes, BuilderConfig } from '@vtex/gatsby-plugin-cms'
import { PLP } from '@vtex/gatsby-plugin-cms'

const AwesomeComponent: Schema = {

const siteMetadata: Schema = {

const facebook: Schema = {

export const contentTypes: ContentTypes = {

export const builderConfig: BuilderConfig = {
blocks: {
messages: {
'admin/socialmediaTitle': 'Social Media',
'admin/meta/socialmediaTitleFieldTitle': 'Title',
'Appears when a link to this page is shared on social media',
'admin/meta/socialmediaDescriptionFieldTitle': 'Description',
'Appears when a link to this page is shared on social media',
'admin/meta/socialmediaImageFieldTitle': 'Thumbnail',
'Appears when the page is shared on social media',